Pop in for Spring Sing Thing!
All welcome, and free to join in. Like singing? Sing in the shower? You won’t need to read music. Bring you ears and your voice! No experience necessary - community singing for everyone.
Tues 27th Feb 2pm - 3.30pm (Down stairs at the George Cafe, Newnham)
Sat 2nd March 4pm - 5.30pm (The Wesley, Cinderford)
Sun 3rd March 5pm - 6.30pm (Coleford Baptist Church)
Sun 10th March 11am - 12.30pm (Dean Heritage Centre Yurt)
Tues 12th March 6.30pm - 8pm (Woolaston Memorial Hall)
Turn up on the day, or book ahead by dropping a line to peopleandsinging@gmail.com 07905 789683